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Warranty | TYRE STORE



What Does the Warranty Cover?

At Etarat Online, we take pride and delight in offering our clients the best tyres across the UAE. We want our customers to buy tyres and enjoy other car services without any worry. Our main aim is to deliver peace of mind to our clients through our services. So, if you ever encounter a defect or a flaw in manufacturing or workmanship then, you can claim our premium warranty for our tyres and other car services. Keep in mind that we offer a warranty on products for a specific period of time and on products that have maintained the integrity of the product by following the manufacturer’s guidelines.


Please note that our warranty will not support damages occurring from negligence and accidents. If you ever face issues like punctures, cuts, or damages done by road conditions then, you cannot claim our warranty services. Also, if your tyres are not properly maintained or if there have been alterations made then, your warranty will become void. When you partner with Etarat Online, our experts will tell you everything about the warranty services.

Terms and Conditions of Warranty

The warranty offered to you by Etarat Online is subject to the following terms and conditions. The experts at Etarat Online will make sure your product is eligible for warranty by seeing your proof of purchase and by inspecting the product to see its maintenance. Keep in mind that the warranty provided to you will not be transferable and is only applicable to the original purchaser.


Following are the terms and conditions of our tyre warranty services.


       Tyres that are submitted for inspection must have proof of purchase.

       An authorized personnel will send the tyre to the manufacturer for further inspection.

       The inspection process can take up to 2-3 weeks.

       The manufacturer’s report will be final.

       Customers are allowed to purchase new tyres when their old tyres are gone for inspection.

       If the customer’s claim is accepted by the manufacturer then, the customer will be refunded.

       Your tyre’s claim is based on the wear rate.


Following are the points that do not fall under the tyre’s warranty claim.


       Any damage done to the tyres due to road collision.

       You have no claim over the warranty if your vehicle is not properly maintained or if your tyres are not looked after.

       Having excessive tread wear due to vehicle misalignment, excessive load, and incorrect inflation.

       Conditions occurring from mechanical failure like brakes, shocks, and other factors that contribute to tyre performance.

       If your tyre is running while being flat or on low pressure.

       Damages that occur due to tyre spinning, racing, or other competitive activities.

       Any damages that occur because of chemical oils or flammable gasses.

       If your tyre’s DOT number is removed or tampered with.

       Incorrect size and load rating for the vehicle.

       If your tyre is not properly mounted.

       Any damages resulting from low-quality repair materials and procedures.

How to Claim Your Warranty: Step-by-Step

To claim your warranty from Etarat Online, there are a couple of steps that you need to take. By successfully completing these steps you will be able to make your claim. Following are the five major steps that you cannot avoid.


       Check Your Warranty Eligibility

       Gather Required Documents

       Contact Etarat Online Customer Support

       Submit the Product for Inspection

       Receive Your Replacement


Check Your Warranty Eligibility:

Before you make a claim for your product’s warranty. You need to check if your product is eligible or not. By checking the terms and conditions, you will be able to know whether your product is eligible for the next step or not.


Gather Required Documents:

Once you know that your product is eligible for warranty, you can move ahead. The next step is to gather all the relevant documents that you will need. From the purchase slip to the warranty card. You need to make sure you have all the necessary documents available. Keep in mind that without any documents, you will not be able to move ahead.


Contact Etarat Online Customer Support:

After gathering all the documents, your next move is to contact the customer support agent of Etarat Online. Connect with them as soon as possible. They will help you move ahead with your claim. After confirming your documents, the experts at Etarat Online will help you get in touch with the manufacturer.


Submit the Product for Inspection:

If your claim is accepted then, you will be asked to take your product to a service facility or inspection center. An expert technician will inspect your product to see if your claim is supported or not. With a thorough examination, they will be able to know if your product falls within warranty coverage or not.


Receive Your Replacement:

The final and most crucial step is when your replacement arrives. After the manufacturer supports your claim, Etarat Online will either repair our product or replace it with a new one. If replacement or repair is not feasible then, Etarat Online will provide you a refund in cash or in the form of store credit.

Contact Etarat Online for Warranty Support

At Etarat Online, we are always ready to cater to your needs. You can contact our customer service anytime you want. An experienced agent will guide you in the right direction and help you know more about warranty claims. You can reach us through different channels like email, phone, or through our website. Our representatives will get back to you instantly and help you move ahead with your warranty claims. 

For faster assistance, you need to keep all the required documents with you. Our customer representatives will ask you for some details. To move ahead efficiently and quickly, you must have everything near you. Whether it is a repair or a replacement, Etarat Online will always be at your beck and call. 




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